Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
(To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the . note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
1. When I was 7 years old, I wanted to become a writer. Still, I didn't have much success in writing down my fantasies when I tried to create stories. And this idea left me to return after 12 years or so.
2. I do not play any computer games. Passing through some tests is the only form of killing time/entertainment i merely do without any purpose.
3. LoTR and +eRa+ were the two things that changed my inner world radically.
4. I'd love to watch '4400', yet I have not much time and i'm afraid i'll become addicted as much as in the case of 'Lost'.
5. My favourite fragrance is acqua di gio by Giorgio Armani.
6. When I was 2,5 years old, I ate a May beetle, or rather his head. :P
7. I believe in magic, but it is not connected with the outer world we observe.
8. My English was extremely poor, and i didn't like to improve it till I listened to Nightwish and became interested in its lyrics in 2003.
9. There are days I need to be alone still they are the days I desperately need conversation though they do not understand me talking about my condition.
10. I adore mountains.
11. I believe in reincarnation and i think my past lives were connected with France and Muslim world.
12. Henry IV Bourbon was the first man I dreamt about when I was 8. :P
13. I want to design my own site, and that's the aim I am fulfulling now.
14. It is easier to learn French than English for me.
15. One day I'll visit Pyrenees, I believe.
16. Kiev is the best place in the world for me, its atmosphere is mystically native and pleasant.
17. Purple is my favourite colour, i'm crazy about it.
18. I don't relish songs in Russian.
19. There are churches where I feel warm, and there are churches where i feel sick.
20. I don't like compromises indeed. Only things of high quality can satisfy me, especially when the matter is my own creation. But i'm not a self-perfectionist nowadays.
21. My favourite actor is Viggo Mortensen.
22. I often dream of people i know and when prophetic dreams come true, it means something important happens in my life at that time.
23. I think i could paint well if i were at pains.
24. I'd love to learn dancing tango.
25. Spain is a very special country for me, it's all about love and hate, strange feelings, associations, inspiration, ruin and so on.